Erik Juul & Lars Myrhøj
Working title: NIGHT DARK SKY
The aim is to support peaceful and inclusive societies, give everyone access to legal certainty and buildefficient, responsible and inclusive institutions at all levels.
The figure must focus on strong institutions, because they are the prerequisite for common goals to be achieved.
Both on a local, but also on a global level. The UN is an example of this. Without the UN, it will not be possible for the whole world to come together to define common goals for the future. Therefore, the sculpture consists of 16 pillars, each representing 16
world goals, which are gathered and held in the base of the sculpture, and the figure thus becomes the 17th pillar.
Photo: Sketch by Jakob Holmqvist & Rasmus Strange. Copyright
Photo: Sketch by Jakob Holmqvist & Rasmus Strange. Copyright
Strong institutions are the prerequisite for peace and justice. But their strength requires that we maintain them. And that they are rooted in a local tradition. Otherwise, they can weather and perish very quickly. We have, for example, seen when foreign organizations and military powers leave a country or region. Or when the losing party in an otherwise democratic election is so dissatisfied with the result that it wants to overthrow the state's institutions.
The sculpture interprets this by being built in wood, which is a perishable material unless it is maintained. Constructively, the figure is strengthened over time by adding more layers. The sharp cut at the top means that it opens up to the world, while at the same time giving it a dynamic expression. That is something that is changeable and in motion.
The prerequisite for the strength of a given institution is, among other things, that an equal and peaceful conversation can take place between several parties. Therefore, the constructive foundation of the figure is designed as a bench where people can meet and converse. The columns create spatial protection, so that you can seek protection in the figure, at the same time that it invites you to a conversation.
In the past, it was the religious buildings that through their physical manifestation - in the countryside or in the cities - showed that we coexist with a common understanding of what is right and wrong. They were a physical landmark that you could orient yourself towards. In the same way, strong institutions manifest themselves through a distinctive building physics. It is the ambition that the figure for world goal no. 16 must function in the same way in Anneberg Sculpture Park.
Ideas for further processing. ....it can be dimly lit in the evening so that it will stand as a shining guiding star, but also to highlight its sculptural qualities.